Thursday, February 20, 2014

ASU Libraries’ use of social media platforms to achieve the 4Cs of social media: collaboration, conversation, community and content creation

The Library Channel, ASU Libraries

ASU Libraries put a number of lively one-minute The Library Minute videos on YouTube to offer information on various library services and resources available to them. “A picture is worth a thousand words”, not to mention videos. This is a far more interesting and effective way of introducing the library than paragraphs of words on a library website or library pamphlet. When library users discover the videos, they can choose to watch whichever ones they prefer, save the ones they would like to watch later, subscribe to it for updates, comment on the ones they want to, and share with their acquaintances. Hence, library users can communicate their thoughts directly to the library and to others on YouTube, whilst the library can broadcast to and build up relationship with a larger user community, obtain their feedback on library service, and adapt their service accordingly.

Other than The Library Minute videos, there are more videos on the Library Channel: discussions, guest lecture series, hidden treasures, etc. from the ASU Libraries that can further engage patrons. They have also created their presence on iTunesU to distribute their library services and events videos to students in the Apple computer community.

The ASU libraries on Facebook have more features about library services, news and events through photographs, podcasts, and videos, etc. Patrons on Facebook can subscribe to it, express their opinions on the various posts, like it, and share it with their friends. Again, this will encourage users’ conversation with and about the library, help develop the library community, and strengthen patron involvement with the library. Besides, hangouts on Google+ offers yet another channel for conversation between the libraries and their users through videos calls.

YouTube, Facebook, iTunesU, Google+ and the other social media ASU libraries use are very popular ones and these help them reach out to a larger audience and enhance their service to those in the long tail. It shows that the library is concerned about its patrons by connecting to them, answering their questions, soliciting their comments, collaborating with them on their studies and research, and is thus involved in creating new knowledge, as well as nurturing a sense of community.

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